Sunday 9 April 2023

Mason Bee House with Bamboo Plans


Mason Bee House with Bamboo Plans


Mason bees are solitary bees that are excellent pollinators and can be attracted to your garden by providing them with suitable nesting sites. One way to create a nesting environment for mason bees is by making a mason bee house using bamboo. Bamboo tubes provide ideal nesting holes for mason bees due to their natural size and shape. Here are step-by-step plans to make a mason bee house with bamboo.


  • Bamboo stalks, preferably with diameters of 5/16 inch to 3/8 inch
  • Saw or pruning shears
  • Drill with drill bits
  • Sandpaper
  • Wooden block or frame
  • Nail or screw for mounting


Step 1: Prepare Bamboo Stalks

Collect bamboo stalks that are preferably 5/16 inch to 3/8 inch in diameter. Cut them into sections that are at least 6 inches long. Remove any leaves or debris from the stalks.

Step 2: Drill Nesting Holes

Using a drill with a drill bit that matches the diameter of your bamboo stalks, drill holes into the bamboo sections. The holes should be approximately 4 to 6 inches deep. Drill as many holes as you can fit into your wooden block or frame.

Step 3: Sand the Edges

After drilling the holes, sand the edges of the bamboo stalks to remove any rough or sharp edges. This will help protect the mason bees from injury as they enter and exit the nesting holes.

Step 4: Mount the Bamboo Stalks

Arrange the bamboo stalks with the drilled holes facing outward on a wooden block or frame. Make sure the stalks are tightly packed to prevent them from falling out. Secure the bamboo stalks to the block or frame using screws or nails, making sure they are firmly attached.

Step 5: Mount the Mason Bee House

Choose a suitable location for your mason bee house. Ideally, it should be mounted on a sturdy post or tree, facing east or southeast to catch the morning sun. Use screws or nails to securely attach the bee house to the mounting surface, making sure it is level and stable.


Q: What is the ideal diameter for the bamboo stalks?

A: The ideal diameter for the bamboo stalks is 5/16 inch to 3/8 inch, as this closely matches the preferred nesting hole size of mason bees.

Q: How deep should the nesting holes be?

A: The nesting holes should be approximately 4 to 6 inches deep, which provides enough space for mason bees to lay their eggs and for the larvae to develop.

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